Ms. Albrights Veterans Display for the 4th Grade Concert

The 4th grade students had a concert last night in honor of our Veterans.  Below is a few words from Dr. Davidson in appreciation of all Veterans everywhere.

Good Morning,

As we approach Veterans Day, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for those who have given an incredible service to our country.

Your sacrifice, dedication, and bravery have not gone unnoticed. Your commitment to defending our freedom and ensuring the safety of our nation is truly admirable. On this Veterans Day, and every day, I want you to know that your contributions are valued, and your courage is appreciated.

It is because of individuals like you that we can enjoy the liberties and opportunities that make our country great. Your service has made a lasting impact, and for that, we are profoundly grateful.

Please accept this heartfelt thank you for your selfless service. Your courage and sacrifice inspire us all, and we are forever indebted to you.

Wishing you a wonderful Veterans Day filled with the appreciation and honor you deserve.

With the utmost respect and appreciation,

Scott Davidson, Ed.D. 


Crawford County R-2


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